Is it alive?

What does it mean when your toilet starts breathing? I'm's been running alot lately and just before I left on my trip I noticed that it was beginning to make some noises that distincly sound like breathing. Kind of wheezy, like it has allergies. It makes me a little nervous.


Tarasview said…
I've never heard of a breathing toilet before! You might want to get that checked out before it starts talking to you :) And yes, you can link to my blog. If I ever figure out how to do that without Doug's help perhaps I'll put you on mine too!
shinbone #4 said…
Air in the pipes perhaps??
Swoosh said…
That made me think of when I was watching The Muppet Show when I was little, and the news report was about the furniture coming alive and eating people. It freaked me out for weeks because I thought that if I sat on the couch it would eat me. Maybe it's something like that . . .
Desiree said…
And you *silent screamed* on my blog?!?!?
Anonymous said…
Kill the toilet!! kill the toilet!! Or you could give it some Benylin to fight the weezing. Either way, I hope it doesnt bite you, now that would be freaky. Keep me posted, ok?
(Sorry Kelly, I think it was too late to write anything nice. I'll try again soon, have some patience with me.)
the Haazens :) said…
Big G thinks it works just fine...he's still announceing to everyone he sees what a good 'jobbie' he did on it last night=) Oh to be proud of your poo!
Renee said…
oh my...I don't know what to say on this one....good luck with the wheezing