In just a few short days I'll be heading to Regina, home of the Roughriders, cheap slushies, and the Sears clearance store! I lived in Regina for about 8 years while I went to bible college (no, i didn't spend all 8 years going to school...just 5). I also did a year of massage school there, worked in a massage/reflexology/tanning/fitness shop, worked at the Sears call centre, and then eventually worked at CBC (where I went to school) as a receptionist. I went to a great church there (Rosewood Park Church), where I was able to be involved in an awesome kids ministry program and made many great friends. My favourite restaurants are Viet Thai and East India House. Regina has a collection of the best coffee houses that I've ever been to (hope they're still around!) including Roca Jack's, Khafon, Stone's Throw, and 13th Ave Coffee House. On a Saturday off, I used to love strolling down 13th avenue and going into some eclectic little shops with off the wall knick knacks. I remember breaking out in the "Casino Regina" song every time we passed the casino, and on a hot summer day going to Milky Way for the best ice cream on the planet. These are just a few of my favourite memories of Regina. When I left Regina to come to Sylvan Lake, I did not miss it one bit. But after a year, I finally started getting a little homesick! I've only been back once or twice since I moved back to Alberta, but when I'm there, I'm in such familiar surroundings...and I feel comfortable. I'll be spending a week there, from Wed to next Tues, and although I have a wedding to attend (woot woot, Kelle!) and will be visiting with some friends old and new :) , I really want to make an effort this time to enjoy my surroundings, visit some of my favourite places, and remember the city that was my home for those 8 years.
Please note: I am extremely embarassed to say that although I have been to a Pats game, I have never been to a Riders game...the shame!
Can't wait to have you come for a visit! I'm looking forward to catching up. See you Wednesday!
And don't feel ashamed cause you never went to a Riders game...I did go (with the office!) and talked with Lisa Kelly through every game. Now that's shameful!