So, I was wandering the aisles at Chapters tonight, when I came across this rather odd magazine...who knew there was such a trendy magazine for people with allergies? And who knew that going off to college with allergies was a death sentence? Now, I myself have struggles with skin allergies, all stemming from a bout with penicillin that left me covered in hives pretty well from head to toe. Now the strangest things can set off a chain reaction. While I was in Vancouver, I even had an outbreak of hives down both my legs and I'm still not sure what caused it. I know what it's like to have allergies, and I know there are people who have some extreme, even life-threatening cases, but why do you need a magazine to scare you into being even more paranoid about what you come into contact with? I know what my triggers are, and I don't travel anywhere without my herbal allergy pills and my tub of
Gardener's Dream Cream (I know their website is kind of new age-y, but the cream works...it's fabulous!). And I just have to resign myself to the fact that I can't control all situations, and I can't control the allergens that might be travelling around on other people or their belongings. Perhaps if I actually picked up this magazine or browsed through their
website, I might come across some articles that would be helpful to me and my situation...I'm sure it really is a great magazine. But one thing still kind of bothers me...could they not think up a better name?
It seems as I get older I have developed an allergy to some things that I've never had before...kinda cool that there is a publication out on allergies...kudos to them
There are so many magazines out there for every little niche in life. Check it out!