I know that everyone has "one of those weeks", but I was hoping that I wouldn't have "one of those weeks" again for a while. It just seems like things are piling up this week, with very little motivation to get through them because I am being distracted by other inconsequential things. I am trying not to let them distract me from the more important things, but as usual the little things seem to overwhelm me. Then trying to deal with the little things leads me to micromanaging my life, which I'm sure ticks God off. "Well, she's at it again..." So, although this may not make sense, I just had to get my thoughts out..."Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays"...er Thursdays...2 points for the first person to tell me what movie that's from!!
-2 for my mom (via email)
-2 for Des
-1 for Big Mama (I'm only deducting 1 because it looks like she is having horrible computer problems)
+3 for T! woo hoo!
Lets hear some more quotes from that movie...I'll start it off...
"I'm going to burn this place" - Milton.
"I've gotta go, I've got a meeting with the Bob's"
"Heeeyyy Peter...whaaaat's happening...nnnkay...did you get the memo about the TPS reports?"
I love Office Space!