Good news for the week: we got our cedulas as well as the ID needed to sell our vehicles! Thank you so much for praying!! Our paperwork is now all in place and the last few hurdles to jump are packing, moving my belongings to the Hieberts, Meetup group tomorrow, arranging to sell my car, a bit of last minute shopping and finally getting on the plane on Friday. Still feels like a mountain of thing to do, but I'm thankful for a quiet day today to work on it.
Of course, I love all things 80's ESPECIALLY hair bands so you will forgive me for posting the following video that came to mind while I was writing this. What would the day be without some cheeziness from Kelly?
Of course, I love all things 80's ESPECIALLY hair bands so you will forgive me for posting the following video that came to mind while I was writing this. What would the day be without some cheeziness from Kelly?