Book Review: If I Could Ask God Anything by Kathryn Slattery

As a Children's Pastor, I sift through alot of resources for children and families, and along with parents, I strive to present the Bible and theology to kids in a way that is easy for them to understand and enjoyable, not drudgery. If I Could Ask God Anything: Awesome Bible Answers for Curious Kids by Kathryn Slattery is a book that tackles the hard, and sometimes amusing questions that kids have about God, the Bible, church, and personal faith. This is not a small book that regurgitates the same old questions and answers. Slattery answers about 180 questions, including "Why couldn't Jesus just stay on earth forever?", and "Can I believe in science and still believe in God?". Some of the more humorous questions are "Why do some Christians put fish-shaped symbols on their cars?" and "Help! What should I do when I think a church service is boring?". I really liked the fact that each question is answered in a page or less, in a manageable way for kids to read and understand. Slattery consistently brings kids back to the fact of God's love for them personally and encourages kids to read their own bibles to see the answers for themselves. This book is also suitable for a variety of denominations as well as both Catholic and Protestant faiths and it would be a great resource for family discussions. It is full of practical suggestions for bible reading, journalling, prayer, and service. I did find the title of the book slightly deceiving, as it states "for kids". The reading and comprehension level for this book would be best suited for older elementary and "tweens", however younger children would definitely enjoy this book if they read it with a parent. And I must say that even as an adult, I loved this book!
Thank you to Thomas Nelson for sending me a review copy of this book, through their Book Sneeze blogger book review program. I was not obligated to provide a positive review of this book.