le sigh....

I cannot wait to slow down....why is it that in North America we don't take the time to stop, and ponder, and meditate, and consider, and....well, you get the picture. The last few weeks have been crazy for me. I am really feeling the effects of doing too much. I have taken on too much this year, and so now I'm trying to figure out what is essential in my life and what is not. And I'm trying not to be a micromanager. And trying not to procrastinate. But in all my "trying" what am I really doing? I'm creating more to stress about! I'm heading to Vancouver to visit Sean (my brother) for a few days. Hoping that I can relax, and leave work and life behind, but I am worried I won't be able to rest easy, as there is so much work that will be waiting for me when I get back. Sometimes I long for the days when I rode my bike around Cold Lake, drank slurpees and ate gummy frogs, and my biggest concern was whether or not there would be a NKOTB pull-out poster in my next issue of Bop.

I'm not meaning to sound depressing...just sharing my frustration at this crazy cyle i seem to have gotten myself into. I just needed to reread all that to remember that I need to put this stuff in God's hands!!


Anonymous said…
It is like you can read my mind - I have been comtemplating this for the last few days myself. Enjoy your trip!!!
Jinny said…
I totally understand what you mean. Makes it tempting to just go ride my bike with some gummy frogs and find a poster of NKOTB to stare at...ha!