Will wash windows for money...

So I got my window and siding washing done last night, it was an adventure. I think I walked about 3 km going back and forth from the front of the house, to the faucet. This is how it went down...I hooked my spray nozzle onto the hose, hooked the hose up to the faucet and then drug the hose around to the front of the house. I tried spraying but nothing came out. Right. I have to turn the water on. So I walked around to the faucet again and turned the water on. Back to the front. Still no spray. Oh, I forgot to flip the lever on the faucet that prevents water from coming out of the tap. Back around to the faucet. Back to the front of the house. Sprayed down the the whole house. Then I had to go turn the water off so I could put the hose on the window solution bottle. Put the hose on the bottle. Go back around and turn the water on. Sprayed down the windows all the way around the house. Back to the tap, turn the water off, change back to the spray nozzle, rinse all the windows down. Then here comes the kicker. I realized that while I was spraying all the windows, I hadn't been dispensing any of the window solution. So I basically went through the whole process all over again. I'll spare you the gory details. Anyway, it's over and I can now see through my windows. Hopefully I can learn from this experience for next year. Or maybe just hire somebody.


Tarasview said…
wow... I am very impressed with your perseverance! I fully intend on ignoring the outside of my house this summer :)
Helen said…
You can do my house next!
Kelly said…
ummm...no...can't you just hear the clown music in the background?
kelle said…
my, my, you sure did persevere! I'm impressed. Hope you're having a splendid day!!
Haugans said…
Haha...I sure hope that your neighbors so this. I am sure it was quite entertaining.
shinbone #4 said…
mmm, well done!! I betcha it also got rid of some of the spiders... or at least I hope it did for all our sakes - hahaa
Swoosh said…
I just went to canadian tire and bought a big washing thing with a squeegee (you know, like the ones that you wash your car windows with). A bit of windex in the water and presto, clean windows. Well, a bit streaky, but a whole lot better than they were!
Swoosh said…
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Swoosh said…
ooops! I accidentally posted that comment twice - it's been a long time since I've done much blogging!