I'm on a roll!
Whoah-ho! Two blogs in two days? I can't believe it myself! Tonight I spent some time going through friends blogs making a list of all the ones I have to remove from my links. I have some friends who haven't blogged for a year, so I guess that would give me reason to remove them. I hope that not too many people have taken me off their blogroll because of my infrequent blogging! But as I started reading blogs, I remembered why I used to love blogging so much. Reading blogs gives you just a glimpse, but an amazing glimpse, into the lives of so many interesting people. And you don't have to even know a person to enjoy the bit of life story that they generously share online. I think that for me this week is going to be spent doing some house cleaning here and exploring blogs and stories and pictures etc. And figuring out how to use all the new stuff that Blogger has added! I'm so out of the loop!!!
So blogging is back! Yay!