So very, very, confused.

I'm really perplexed tonight. I came home from work and as I walked through the kitchen, I walked right through a puddle of water. A fairly good sized puddle. And the strange thing is that I can't figure out where it came from! It wasn't there when I was home at lunch. I looked down...nothing spilled, no tell-tale trail. I looked hole in the ceiling! So I mopped it up, trying to shake this odd feeling. Had someone been in my house? Nothing was taken. Unless....the man who lives in my basement has a young son who just came back from his summer holidays. Last year he got locked out of the basement NUMEROUS times and I would let him use the phone to call his dad. This is the only thing I could think of...that he let himself in (we lock the outside door, and I leave my inside door unlocked)thinking he could use the phone, then maybe spilled some water from a water bottle? It's a long shot....and I hate to blame him...but what other explanation could there be???? Needless to say, I locked the door when I went out tonight.


Desiree said…
That is very weird. It makes you feel uneasy I know.
Anonymous said…
maybe you have house gomes...
kelle said…
It's a mystery! One that makes me feel uneasy, so I can only imagine how you're feeling.
Amanda Franks said…
Yikes. It's crazy when those unexplained things happen. Like when people just walk into your house before they realize they're on the wrong street.
shinbone #4 said…
hey Kelly... thanks for everything! Happy birthday again and again, I'm so glad we could make it there for the party and despite us all being exhausted make a few memories :D
Love ya!
Swoosh said…
Hey you! I'm so sad that the shinbones didn't tell me that they were going to visit you! Happy belated birthday, and I hope to see you soon!
Anonymous said…
OK, I have been gone for almost 2 weeks, nobody has commented on my blog, and YOU have not updated yours. Maybe I am just in a time warp. Would email you a letter, but all the addresses are upstairs, maybe I will wander back down later, and send you one. Right now I am in Lacey, WA. Send me a juicy email, I will check them later. - Des