A man's work is never done. Around my place, that is.
I spent this lovely afternoon cleaning out my side of the garage and mowing my lawn. My garage is a place that I avoid at all costs, other than parking my car. Park car, leave ASAP. It's a huge mess. Oh, except for my neighbour's side...since lately he has taken to moving some of HIS things onto MY side. Nevermind that the owners of the house have tons of their stuff jammed on my side too. So today I shifted everything over to their side, I'm so petty aren't I! Another reason I avoid my garage is because all of my bottles are out there. Now, I do LOVE to recycle...however, the bottle depot in Sylvan Lake is rather frustrating as they have a confusing system of sorting and they make you do it yourself. So for the past year I've been collecting cans and bottles in my garage, and continuously forgetting to run them into Red Deer. At least now they are sorted neatly into bags. And finally, the last reason I avoid my garage is for the simple fact that it is so dusty in there. I'm sensitive to dust (such a wimp) so the thought of sweeping out the garage makes me cringe. But today I bit the bullet and did it. I swept out a huge pile of dust and dirt that has collected over the past year, swirling up huge dirt clouds and having it blown back into my face with the breeze outside. I then spent the next 2 hours sneezing and blowing dirt out of my nose, and hacking up a lung. But it's done. And I can rest easy for another year. I followed my cleaning stint with a lawn mowing stint. Don't even get me started on this one. It was like mowing down a tropical rainforest, the grass was so thick. The guy downstairs has been getting a little lazy with the lawn so I've been trying to pick up the slack. I started asking myself "Is this not what husbands are for??? I need to find me one!", but then I realized that quite possibly, even with a husband I might have to do these chores. So I'll look at it from the perspective that I'm working on my skills. "Lawnmowing skills, garage cleaning skills, numchuck skills". Guys dig skills right?