Ranting about Recycling

Yes, I'm going to rant about recycling. Not about whether or not we SHOULD recycle, but about the fact that some people don't recycle properly. I know this sounds odd, but I just spent half an hour in the garage tonight organizing all the stuff that exits this house and ends up in the recycle bin in the garage. First of all you should know that I LOVE to recycle. I really do enjoy rinsing out containers, cutting lids off cans and folding up cardboard. I share a house with 3 people who live downstairs and lately they've really been getting into the recycling mood. Which is GREAT except they don't sort anything, they just dump it into the green box. And they haul out box upon box but don't break any of them down. So every two weeks I end up sorting their stuff, breaking down boxes, and throwing out all the stuff they think they can recycle but can't. Tonight it was 3 milk cartons, a lot of plastic wrap and 2 tetra packs that can go to the bottle depot. Now, because I love to recycle, I end up only throwing out one white bag full of garbage a week. The thing that really gets me is that I have a feeling they are not recycling half the things they could. I find very few plastic bottles, no paper, and no glass or metal cans at all. As a result, they produce 2 big black bags of garbage a week. I know it's 3 against one, but they totally monopolize the 2 garbage bins we are allowed to put out each week. Anyway, I'm not complaining about organizing their recycling for them, because I really do enjoy it...I just wish they could be better recyclers! Well, it's late and you probably all think I'm psycho for writing this, but hey, whatever! Happy recycling! And yes...I'm watching you...
That's my rant. Have a great week and weekend.
By the way, don't look in our pantry the next time you are over. You may be 'crushed'!