Music Video Monday
I just love this video by Sarah reminds me that there is so much more going on in the world than in just my little corner. I was watching the news today, and the talk was about the gift bags that they give out to the celebrities at the Academy Awards. Some actors and actresses have started refusing to accept the bags, as one bag and it's contents are worth more than a low income family would make in a year. And they're giving them to people who already have more than they need! Apparently they are going to stop giving these "gift bags" away, and if you can believe it, people are upset! Not the celebrities, but the designers and companies that put their products in the bags. I guess for them it's advertising! Sometimes I think I live simply, but then I realize how much I actually have. I know it's Ok to enjoy the things that I can have because I live where I do...but I need to make sure I don't take it for granted. I think there's always room to live more simply. Why do we always seem to need all the latest "stuff"...myself included?