Odd sighting of the day

Today I was digging through a bargain bin of makeup at the Value Drug Mart. As I dug deep deep down I came across something that should have scared me, but didn't for some reason...Out of nowhere popped a little grey mouse! In the bin! Fortunately it was a rubber mouse...some kid probably stuck it in there to get back at their mom who was digging in the bin earlier. I tried pulling him out...but he was the stretchy kind and his tail was caught on something. So in the spirit of halloween, I left him in there and covered him back up with makeup! I just couldn't resist!


Anonymous said…
That sounds more like something I would have done but not you... Kelly what is becoming of you!!!
Renee said…
That is freakin' awesome!!! I know of so many women that would have shrieked in horror...and I for one would have been hiding behind a rack of some kind..rubbing my hands in glee at the spectical...lmao....thanks for sharing!
Desiree said…
I wonder who put him there in the first place?
Kelly said…
someone who wanted to be very sneaky!
Haugans said…
i would have absolutely freaked out if that was me!!! I wonder how many more people got scared.
Swoosh said…
I, too, would probably hide somewhere so I could see people's reactions. Very funny!
the Haazens :) said…
I would have screamed!
kelle said…
That's awesome Dags! I probably would have let a little squeal out and then laughed.