Drowning in a sea of children...
Well, I must apologize for being absent for so long. I have a site meter on my blog that tells me how many people visit my blog and where they're from, so I can pretty much figure out how many times each of you visits my blog...and I must say I'm ashamed because so many of you check so faithfully and I've been so unfaithful in blogging lately. Hopefully things will look up in a week or two! Kid's Camp is this week, 97 kids yesterday and just a few less today. We're having lots of fun, even though there is no air conditioning and the majority of preschoolers have cried at least once. Yes, yesterday was a huge cry-fest. But today was a little better for them and it will keep getting better, I'm sure! No major disasters yet, a couple of snipped fingers, and boy who was dizzy (he's waiting to get his glasses), another boy who is just so competitive that he ends up getting hurt no matter what he does (today required a cold pack for his eye--enough said), and a little "double-dipping" went on in snack today--scandalous!!! Apparently parents are more uptight about this than I am. So I will try to enforce the "no double-dipping" rule tomorrow. But I will wrap this up, as my brain is fairly well cooked through today.
When John said there was a full house yesterday, I had no idea that he meant almost 100 kids...I thought that was the parents and helpers too! Wow! We are going to have to SERIOUSLY RELAX after this week is over..maybe a movie er somethin'??