Eccentricity #1
A friend of mine inspired me to write a blog about 6 things that are a little strange about myself, and so I have decided to take that one step further and write separate posts about each eccentricity of mine. Some you may know about, some may come as a surprise to you. My first eccentricity is that I collect receipts. Grocery receipts are kept for at least a month in this little box beside my phone where all my bills etc. go and wait to be paid. Bank machine receipts are tucked in my wallet until the wallet gets too fat to close and I'm forced to clean them out. Receipts for clothing and miscellaneous often make their way to my dresser or my desk, only to be lost in the rest of my paper piles. I have some receipts that look nice (Pier 1 has really nice-looking receipts) and some receipts that I just can't figure out where they came from (usually a dollar store). I just can't get rid of receipts. I blame this on the fact that I have worked at Sears off and on for the past 12 years or so. One of their main policies is that you must keep a receipt for a return. Whether it was in the catalogue store, the call centre, or the retail store, I always had to remind the customer to "keep your receipts and there will be no problem returning the item". And so I hoard receipts. Even for things I could never return. Ricki's is the worst..."no sale is ever final" they tell me (How many times did you have to say that, Joy?). Well if no sale is ever final, that's a REALLY good excuse to keep the receipt. I have been working on overcoming this issue, this quirk, if you will. Currently I have a grocery bag full of receipts that I have been forced to sort through. But can you believe the bag has been sitting in my living room for 2 weeks now? I'm convinced I must shred all these receipts and so they will sit until I either a) remember to take them to the church to shred, or b) buy a shredder. And then I get even more confused when I wonder if I should hold onto my receipt for the shredder (it could blow up, you know), or just shred it!
Oh ya and BTW, you asked about my comments on the previous posts. I hid them all...just a little housekeeping I guess. Maybe another quirk??
Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding..:)
It is good to be wise but also never to live over doing anything. don't eat to much, drink to much, be mad for to long.. ect.. keep receipts for years...I could go on but then I should just write my own blog. Yet if I do I might be over doing my point.