Pickled Pigs Lips

Well, since everyone seems to think my life is quite exciting, I will have to figure out something exciting to write about...any suggestions? In the meantime, I thought I would pass this website on to you; www.kookychow.com . It was created by an alumni of Big Idea Productions, which as you may or may not know was the powerhouse behind Veggie Tales. What you may not know is that after various lawsuits and a company spinning out of control, most of the Big Idea employees were laid off and Phil Visher sold the company to pay off their debts etc. Phil still has some ties to the new company, still writes one Veggie Tales story a year and lends his voice, since half the voices are his! Phil has a great story and you can learn more about him and his new ventures at www.philvischer.com . I guess in the meantime, other people have moved on to bigger and better things, such as kookychow--it did put a smile on my face today...