
My pirate name is:

Mad Jenny Bonney

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.


Kelly said…
I originally tried to put this on my side bar, but since I have some real issues with HTML, I just couldn't get it where I wanted it. Please let me know if anything looks out of place on my blog, cause I'm not sure if I corrected the problem!
the Haazens :) said…
That is friggin' hilarious Dags. Your real name (well nickname) already sounds like a pirate name, and a scarier one than Jenny if you ask me...Mad Daggers, arrrreee!
the Haazens :) said…
Mad Daggers Dyer is even better!

Your sidebar is back to normal now as far as I can see=)
ZimZen said…
Arrrr! She's got a dagger matey's!
Dags, you're too much I tells ya, too much!

Did I mention my soap name is:
Anne Holiday...

Nice. Have you seen Pirates of the Carribean yet?
kelle said…
Love it, love it, love it!!! I have to agree with T that Dags sounds more frightening than Mad Jenny! Funny!!
kelle said…
By the way, everything looks as it should!
Kelly said…
My soap name is Jean Empress. Thanks Anne Holiday, you're the best!
Kelly said…
I can't remember T, what's you're middle name?
the Haazens :) said…
My hubby just died and came back to life and next episode the evil Stephino will kidnap me and I will become possessed and start lurking around with green glowy eyes.

All in a day in the life of Eilynne Hunter.
kelle said…
Just because I didn't want to be left out (lol) my soap opera name is Diane Douglas
Desiree said…
hmmm, it says that she is MORE than a little bit crazy, she must be holding back!
Kelly said…
Yes, I usually do hold back. Cyndi Zimms has probably seen more of my "crazy" side than most!
Anonymous said…
My name would be farts alot, as my pirate name.
Kelly said…
Nice to meet you Farts Alot. Aaaarrr! (Poooft!)
Anonymous said…
Hey that's my line:(