Confessions of a 28 year old drama queen

I've had some irate friends tell me that it's time for me to update my blog, so I'm back! Yes, it has been difficult to find the time lately to update this page, but I promise to do better! I would first of all like to draw your attention to one of my links entitled "Daily Dancer". If you couldn't tell from the name, it's a guy who posts a new dance every day. You've got to see it to believe it. I found the link through a friend of a friend, so I hope it's kosher to steal the idea, but it's too good not to share! I'm also putting a link to Sean's band website, Flood of Fire. I'm not biased as a sister, but I think they're just the best, and I'm not above shamelessly promoting these guys as much as I can. I've just looked at what I titled this blog entry, and I'm not sure if I should change it. First of all, it tells my age (ha!) and secondly, I don't really think I'm a drama queen but I wonder if other people reading this right now are slowly nodding their heads? On second thought, I'd rather not know...


kelle said…
Welcome back!! I was beginning to wonder if you disappeared or something. I must confess I stole your idea of the link to the Daily Dancer's's now on my blog too. It's hilarious!
the Haazens :) said…
Dags, sometimes you just gotta hear's a laugh, ha, ha, ha. Alright, now that that's out of my system I will now say that I have never thought of you as a drama queen and I don't know if I ever could. You are way too sensible for that...but if you wanna pretend for a day I say go for it. Alright, this is no longer making much sense so I'll go-T (gotee, get it?) HA.
kelle said…
Ok...I have to laugh at T's comment! Seriously, Dags, if you do want to act like a Drama Queen...all power to you!
Anonymous said…
That Daily Dancer site is hilarious! And I don't think you're a drama queen either, but try it! You never know it could be a lot of fun!
Kelly said…
Given what a bad week I've had so far, I'm thinking I might like to try out the Drama Queen thing. But I'm not totally sure how to go about it. How much tantrum is too much? Please, somebody, help me out!
Anonymous said…
Well...I'd say a little yelling would probably be OK, but you probably want to draw the line at throwing stuff.
Anonymous said…
To be a drama queen, don't you first have to like...bleach your hair out, and then like....pretend that you are completely helpless...and THEN throw the drama queen charade? (no offence to those who are naturally blonde. No offense to those who like to pretend that they are too weak to do anything in order to get attention...OK, maybe some offense intended there.)