The Power of a Hug

So I've been mulling this over for awhile....and I even wrote the idea for this blog a few weeks ago on a grocery list and I've had to hold onto that outdated grocery list ever since. I finally have a nice quiet morning to sit online and I really want to throw out that piece of paper today, so here I am blogging. I've shared with a few people the awkwardness of moving back to Canada and trying to figure out greetings again. In Venezuela I'm used to greeting people with a quick kiss to the cheek....well, more of an "air kiss"....and if it's a friend, that's usually followed by a hug. Of course, coming back to Canada, there's no better way to alienate people than by going around kissing and hugging everyone. Now I'm confused; do I hug? Shake hands? Do nothing? When I was talking about this with a friend, they mentioned to me that they felt people don't even shake hands very much anymore. And I think that might be true, I've had my f...