Oct already?

Where does the time go? Had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and was able to have 2 turkey dinners here in Costa Rica! Our first one was on the Saturday with other Canadians from the language school, and the second one was with the Canadian contingent of the C&MA here in Costa Rica. (I've posted a photo below of the whole crew). School is keeping me busy these days, and I am often overwhelmed by the amount of information thrown at us each day. This week we are halfway through the first trimester and so we had our mid-point reviews with each of our teachers. I had great reviews and was really encouraged. However one of my teachers says that I am not bold enough when I speak. I always feel that if I want to say something, I want to say it correctly...or just not say it at all...which is no good when you are trying to learn a language. I'm realizing the difficulties of learning a new language and I think if I went to school for 5 years it still wouldn't be enough!!! But...